We are a leading company in the creation of highly interactive 3D avatars for use in business. We developed an Avatars-as-a-Service business model that will focus on providing customer service, transaction support, order taking, eldercare companionship, information support, and similar business tasks.
Yüzünüzü 3D olarak oluşturma programları - Salvatore Aranzulla İnternette arkadaşlarınız tarafından tanınmak için kullandığınız sıradan fotoğraflardan bıktınız mı?? O zaman benden hoşlan ve…
Creare progetti in 3D gratis. Da dove iniziare di Salvatore Aranzulla Stai muovendo i tuoi primi passi nel mondo della progettazione 3D e vorresti qualche consiglio sui programmi da impiegare? Stai…
Full-body avatar creator for the metaverse. Make a 3D avatar from a photo and use it on VRChat or for work! See the 3d Avatar I made with Ready Player! Very easy…
How to realize your first 3D space on wordpress? See my simple example in action! Click to enlarge the window. Useful for making 3D presentations with 3D environments customized with…
Full-body character creator for the metaverse. Make a 3D avatar from a photo and use it in apps and games like VRChat and LIV. Personal 3D avatars are not just for gamers.…